



Power range

POS Marketing


Every marketer knows that a coherent product concept alone is not enough to face the ever tougher competition on the market and position oneself accordingly. It is much more important to stand out from the crowd with the product and the accompanying campaign. Here, it is important to be creative and to create awareness. Everything from lighting effects to digital gadgets is conceivable. However, these ideas come at a price and are rarely feasible in the FMCG sector on a floor space basis. But there is another way: a classic in-store placement, if creatively developed and coherent from shelf to large-scale space, can also generate enormous attention in the market and increase uplift. UGW’s task was therefore to develop a strategic concept, including a new product line, Lay’s Strong, for its launch in August 2018. Develop key visuals for an in-store placement and, based on these, design POS advertising media along the path-to-purchase, both at the shelf and as a possible secondary placement. How to do it? It’s simple, with a step-by-step approach to the perfect POS appearance.

An important aspect was initially the development of text-image ideas with a clear target group appeal that conveyed the message “Sharp & perfect with beer”. In addition, assets such as the sharpness speedometer and the coat of arms were developed, which were used both individually and as an overall package in the in-store communication and provided a visual anchor for the roof concept. Using scribbles and mood images, the ideas were then consistently transferred to the layout phase as well as retouching and final artwork, and the key visual and corresponding POS tools were defined. To create the link between chips in conjunction with beer, additional cross-category communication tools were used, such as a bottle-look creative chute that was used for placement in the beverage/beer section. Based on scribbles and rough visualizations, a final, attention-grabbing overall concept was created that captivates the favored, male customer at the POS and flatters his ego.

Lay’s, as the world’s No.1 potato chips brand, has thus managed to attract customers’ attention and implement a successful launch with the help of creative POS advertising tools. The 360-degree package of measures served all touchpoints to achieve maximum awareness in-store. Previously, the trade could be convinced with high-quality sell-in documents.

Main focus

  • POS Marketing

Your contact

Nadine Brühl

Client Service Director

UGW Communication GmbH

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