B2C communication Brauns-Heitmann
B2C communication Brauns-Heitmann Customer Brauns-Heitmann Project HEITMANN pure product videos Power range Public Relations & Live Communication Play Play Play Voriger Nächster Description Wie zeigt man auf unterhaltsame Weise den Benefit eines Produkts? Die Antwort: kurze und unterhaltsame Produktvideos! Im Fokus: das Produkt und seine Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Die Umsetzung: Design und Layouterstellung gehen voraus. Es folgen […]
RUNDSCHAU for the food trade B2B campaign
How do you attract new readers in a competitive market of trade magazine newspapers?
With a campaign that addresses hot topics that are burning under the nails of the target group of retail decision-makers in the form of questions and also provides the appropriate answer.
Deutsche Post – SEA and social media concept
UGW has already set up and implemented a Facebook campaign to attract new locations for Deutsche Post in 2021. For a continuation of the campaign, the key visuals were revised. Furthermore, the targeting should be determined for Facebook Ads and Linkedin Ads and target groups should be identified in the Google Display Network.
IDM South Tyrol – Connoisseur’s Oasis for Quality Products at EDEKA
Development of a “premium shop-in-shop” for the Südtirol brand as a permanent secondary placement island for the presentation of all product categories. Equipping the booth with different features such as coolers and tablets.
Specialist display glass ceramic cleaner from Heitmann
This is how the cooktop becomes a boxing ring: Take a top product from the Stiftung Warentest results and stage it a corner more creatively. The oversized bottle with the clearly recognizable StiWa logo stands as an unbeatable and glorified “Hero” in the corner of the Ceran field.
Nestlé – Trade ads for Thomy
The challenge: to fit several Thomy POS campaigns into one ad motif!
Specialized ads Heitmann “Laundry Black Cloths” Brauns-Heitmann
How do you skilfully stage a top product for B2B target groups? This question served as a guideline for the design of the motif for the “Laundry Black Cloths” from hygiene specialist Heitmann.
Nestlé Wagner – cover design fng magazine for “Bella Napoli”
This was brand new: “Ernst Wagner’s Bella Napoli” was to provide a strong chest impact with a new size and fresh design. To this end, the attention-grabbing B2B campaign got retailers emotionally in the mood for the new pizza varieties.
WMF / Launch WMF Perfection Series
With the launch of the WMF Perfection Series, WMF aims to enrich the world of discerning coffee connoisseurs in the premium segment. The new series makes it possible to perceive coffee enjoyment with all the senses – from the high-quality appearance, to the haptic stimuli during operation, to the individually customizable coffee taste.
Deutsche Post – Social Media Traffic Campaign
On behalf of Deutsche Post, UGW designed a concept for a social media paid campaign on Facebook and Instagram. This was subsequently also implemented, optimized and reported by UGW.