Weber barbecue promotion in stores


Weber-Stephen Germany GmbH


Barbecue promotion

Power range

Professional advice & promotion


Establishment of a national BBQ promoter pool, development of the promotional appearance, production of the equipment.
Training, planning and implementation of the measure in specialized trade and DIY.

National castings of BBQ talent, multi-day training sessions for each season Spring Start and Fall/Winter at the Weber Grill Academy; technical information training and recipe check. Equipping the forces with the barbecue products and accessories, deployment planning in coordination with their availabilities, announcement of the POS measure in the trade, snapshot of the availability of goods, execution of the barbecue demonstrations and billing of the deployments to the trade. Central Reporting to Weber Stephen.

Cooperation since 2013, realization of all summer and winter promotion dates, average rating by the

Trade – grade 1.1

Failure rate < 1%

Main focus

  • Promotion Mechanics
  • Structure to implementation of the promotion measures
  • Management of the required resources

Your contact persons

Alexander Lorenz

Managing Director

UGW Promotion GmbH

Peter Daube von Mach

Board of Directors


References from the same area

Weber – Barbecue promotion

Establishment of a national BBQ promoter pool, development of the promotional appearance, production of the equipment.
Training, planning and implementation of the measure in specialized trade and DIY.

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Nestlé YES! Sampling concept

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