POS Marketing Report 2021

Up-to-date knowledge about POS marketing

The Corona pandemic has changed private and public life and does not stop at the sliding and revolving doors of grocery stores and drugstores. Shopping behavior along the shopper journey in German food retailing (LEH) has changed significantly in recent months. The latest trends and developments are documented in the current POS Marketing Report 2021, which the agency group UGW conducted in cooperation with the mobile crowdsourcing company POSpulse and the trade magazine RUNDSCHAU for the food trade. 


Note: This report is no longer available. You can obtain the current report here.

Further studies

UGW Report 2/2022

What distinguishes expertise in marketing & sales? What is behind the positioning “UGW – The Marketing Experts”? This question – or rather the answers to it – is the subject of the current UGW Report. The articles exemplify our comprehensive portfolio of services from A for field sales team to Z for secondary placement.

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Further studies

UGW Report 2/2022

What distinguishes expertise in marketing & sales? What is behind the positioning “UGW – The Marketing Experts”? This question – or rather the answers to it – is the subject of the current UGW Report. The articles exemplify our comprehensive portfolio of services from A for field sales team to Z for secondary placement.

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