Dr. Schär – Contract Salesforce

National Dr. Schär sales force in the German food retail sector.
Deployment of 13 permanent area managers and 1 national sales manager.
Nestlé – Contract Salesforce

National deployment of 32 permanent area managers 3 regional sales managers and 1 sales manager in German food retailing.
Froneri Schöller – Contract Salesforce

Achieving revenue and sales targets, relationship management, raising potentials, support in gaining market shares
Philips Licht – Acquisition, support, customer activation

Increase in sales in existing areas in the specialist retail trade and expansion of the customer base, including through new acquisitions. Staff duties include new product introductions, shelf and assortment maintenance, and scheduling and promotion arrangements.
Brewery Group – Contract Salesforce

Ensuring perfect product presentation, sales. Support of the (scene) gastronomy. Build strong customer relationships and make POS arrangements. Implementation of promotional measures specifically pushes the sale of products.
MediaMarktSaturn – Sales Support

Expansion and development of sales potential through continuous POS support in Media and Saturn stores. Presentation of new products, disposition and promotion arrangements, shelf and assortment maintenance, pricing and inventory surveys, and returns management on a national basis.
Integration of new product support LEH

Contract Salesforce including management structure in German food retailing
Full service in terms of technology (including hardware and software), CRM, automotive, office, reporting, organization, etc.
Continuous POS support for large-scale consumers and supermarkets throughout the German retail sector.
Beverage stores – Contract Salesforce

Contract Salesforce with a focus on merchandising in the beverage sector. National, regular POS support for various beverage-leading retail formats from large-scale food retailers to beverage cash-and-carry markets to gas stations.
International Player Food – Contract Sales Force

Contract Salesforce including management structure for defined food product groups in German food retailing. Full service in terms of technology (including hardware and software), CRM, automotive, office, reporting, organization, etc.
Various brand companies – Leasing Salesforce

Temporary support of defined outlets for various industrial companies in the German food retail sector.